Can Marketing Research Survive Only on Intentions?

marketing research survive on intentions
marketing research survive on intentions

Reflecting on business ethics is essential for the professionals in researching field. The tools, techniques and methods used for market research are carefully designed and they need to be used carefully. This is a very essential step to avoid any unethical practice during collection, analysis and presentation of the market database. As the experts suggest, integrity is the basic rule of marketing analysis, which holds as much importance as accuracy and thoroughness. Is moral consideration the only rule to ethical analysis of the organization and the marketplace where it belongs? Well, there are a lot of other things that add to the integrity of the research project.

Declared and Assumed Intentions

Intent marketing as many professionals call is a very valuable lesson for all the marketing research enthusiasts and newcomers. Understanding the intentions of the consumers is important. However, what is more important is to understand your own intentions, especially if you are a behavior marketer. There are two basic types of intent, namely, declared intent and assumed intent. As the names suggest, in declared intent, you clearly know what one wants, while in assumed intent you think that you know what one wants. Both are very different concepts, in fact, they are exactly opposite to each other. Shopping trip is a declared intent, while choosing the correct shop is the assumed intent.

The trick behavior market research is that researchers can pick to choose the best intent there is on the offer. In simpler words, gathering better intent data is the basic task of behavior researchers dealing with business analysis. Aggregation of data is the basic technique used by the professionals, wherein they gather the data and then track the changes and peculiarities in the patterns of behavior and intentions. However, only intention is not responsible for collecting the accurate and ethical information about the product or company. Analyzing and presenting it in the most innovative and accurate way is equally crucial. Intention marketing and believing the results of intent are vital for accuracy.

Ethical intentions of the market research experts are an integral part of a successful analysis of any small, medium or large organization. When it comes to using the gathered data and analyzing for the clear pictures of the trends, competitors, customers and marketplace, professionals need to make a point to concentrate on intent marketing practices, which hold the key to behavior research and ethical conduct, which is the key to balancing the act of intent and marketing.